
– March first week, sow Capsicum, Colocasia (Arbi), Cucumber, Baby corn, Summer squash, Bitter gourd, Sponge gourd, Lady fingers, Cowpea, French bean, Cluster beans, Kulfa, Spinach, Pumpkin , Radish, Turnip, Mint and Brinjal. Peanuts also can be sown at this time.
– Seeds of Asparagus crown can also be sown at this time. It can be grown in well drained, fertile soil.

– Bulbs can be sown of Gloriosa superba, Tuberose, Haemanthus multiflorus (football lily), Easter Lily.
– Keep removing suckers and dead flowers of Roses. Winter flowers are over by now. Collect their seeds, dry them in the shade and store them in labelled glass bottles.

– Feed grass with sterameal. Mow your lawn on a regular basis.

TIPS: New trees, climbers and shrubs can be planted. Top dress plants with compost.