Benefits of Chrysanthemum Tea

Chrysanthemum tea has a number of impressive health benefits, including its ability to protect your heart, boost your immune system, improve vision, calm your nerves, lower inflammations, strengthen your bones and treat respiratory issues among others.

What is chrysanthemum tea

While this may not be the first variety of tea you think of when you’re looking for a brew, chrysanthemum tea has been around for more than a thousand of years and is believed to have originated in the Song Dynasty in China. The flowers that are used to make this powerful tea come in a number of varieties, but traditionally the scientific name of this beneficial plant is chrysanthemums indium.


How to make chrysanthemums tea

Unlike many other herbal teas which use only the leaves of a plant in order to brew the beverages, chrysanthemums tea is made by infusing hot water with full flowers which release a wide variety of antioxidant, organic compounds, vitamins, minerals, amino acids and soothing chemicals into mixtures making for a delicious and highly nutritious drink.

  1. Use freshly boiled water at between 90 and 100-degree heat.
  2. Rinse out the teacup or pot with the hot water to warm.
  3. Allow 4 to 5 flowers per cup.
  4. Allow brewing for two to four minutes.
  5. Add a small amount of honey.
  6. The tea can be served hot or cold.