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Episode 11 : Working for a sustainable environment

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पौधों के सामान्य कीट और बीमारियों की पहचान: अपने पौधों की रक्षा के लिए एक मार्गदर्शिका

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The Gardener’s Vegetable Planting planner

प्रत्येक माह में उगाई जाने वाली सब्जियों की विस्तार से जानकारी: 1. जनवरी:…

Imitating Nature : The Root over Rock Style Bonsai

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Juicy Lemon

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Gasteria, the Warty friend

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Summer Salads

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Inspiration of the Month

Mahesh Bansal

मेरी बागवानी यात्रा बारह साल पूर्व तक बागवानी में रुचि नहीं के बराबर…

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    The First video (Part One)

    focusses on the Society, its members and contributions by various institutions of Delhi.

    The Second video (Part Two)

    is a stroll through the gardens, balconies, interiors, terraces and farms of members and other gardening enthusiasts.

    The Third Video (Part Three)

    gives an insight into container gardening, including a section dedicated to the Society’s Bonsai Club.

    The Fourth Video (Part Four)

    showcases the society’s commitment to inspiring the community, especially the young in working towards a cleaner, greener and healthier environment.

    Tip of the Month

    Tips of the Month: September

    • With the Monsoon rains receding, we must prepare our garden for winter season by de-weeding, if any, removing spent plants of past season, pruning the existing overgrowth of remaining plants to allow air and sunlight to penetrate the garden more for better growth and reduce whitefly infestations.
    • Next we should prepare a Soil enrichment mix to be added to all garden beds and containers by mixing equal quantities of fully cured Kitchen waste compost. Well decomposed cow dung manure / vermicompost, 10% jamuna sand, 10% Neemkhal, 10% Sarson Khal, 10% Bonemeal, other plant based khal such as those of sesame, groundnut, almond etc along with little qty of natural fungicide turmeric or cinnamon powder.
    • Give the garden a good bath on weekly basis with Reetha water followed by citrus Bio-enzyme next day to make it dust and disease free.
    • This is an apt time to sow seeds of winter crop simultaneously and transplant any ready seedlings also. Prepare a seedling mix with equal qty of soaked and fluffed cocopeat, leaf mold / kitchen waste compost and little neemkhal.
    • Ample sunlight (6-7 hours) receiving garden space can easily grow tomatoes, brassicas, capsicum, French beans, beetroot, turnip, zucchini, corns, onion, salad greens & amp; herbs, strawberries, potato, basil etc.
    • Direct sowing of leafy greens palak, mustard, methi, coriander, bathua, garlic, peas, carrots, radishes can be done in staggered manner to get continuous harvest.
    • Medium sunlight (3-4 hours) garden can grow leafy greens and salad greens.
    • Zero or negligible sunlight can grow micro-greens very well of many of above vegetables and
    • Grow seasonal, eat seasonal. Happy gardening in fall.
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