Common Plant Diseases and their Treatment

There are many pests that can attack our precious plants leaving them diseased and weak. The first line of defence against these unwanted ‘guests’ is of course prevention, but what do we do if they still succeed despite our best efforts? Here are some common plant diseases and their treatments:


These are soft bodied pests and can be found on the backs of…

Common Rust

This fungal disease affects a wide range of plants from flowering plants such…

Damping Off Disease

This is a soil borne fungal disease that affects the seeds and seedlings.…

Downy Mildew

This disease is recognised by the yellow and white patches on the upper…

Powdery Mildew

This type of fungal disease can occur when there is low soil moisture…

Early Blight

The lower and older leaves of the plant display small brown spots with…

Leaf Curling Disease

This very common disease usually occurs in the spring. Reddish areas appear on…

Leaf Miner

This disease is caused by the larvae of many different insects. The larvae…

Leaf Spot

These are a variety of diseases that can be caused by bacteria, viruses…


Mealybugs are pink bodied insects that have a white, waxy, cottony covering. They…

Mosaic Viruses

Mosaic virus disease is caused by a variety of viruses. Leaves of infected…


These are tiny winged insects that feed on buds and leaves. Washing affected…